Thursday, November 12, 2009

rainy day

it's raining outside...
getting colder here...
lonely in my room...
but not be able to sleep...

Huuuaaaaa...I getting bored, internet all day long..
email all discussed, gossip, plan to hang out, plan to watch movie, anything,
chatting with friends gossip, plant to hang out, many more, but quite entertaining than a blank,
twitter to see my friend's, actress or actor's, schedule concert, n there are many updates info we can follow,
flixter include the news update all about movie movie mania,
tagged social networking like fesbuk (fesbuk already banned at my office huhuhu),
listening music with windows media player hah! still can't kill this bored feeling!
hi5 social networking too, and I just create a new account wakakaka...

So what should I do, hmm better I write something here, lagi nganggur alias ga ada kerjaan alias magabut (makan gaji buta) klo kata orang hehehe. There's no sms, there's no call, hellooowww anybody out there, no one miss me today??? huhuhu sedihnya...

Upsss daritadi bikin mau nge post ga selesai2, udah jam 5 nich sekarang sholat dulu ahhh... insap2! one of my friend said: sholat ashar itu paling bagus apalagi klo minta permohonan paling cepet dikabulkan. makin semangat deh sholat ashar, tadinya males banget, tapi tetep sholatnya jam 5an, soalnya jam2 segini jam sepi n aman dari telp2 berdering di kantor n aman dari surat2 yang datang n aman dari tamu2 yang datang hehehe, Ok See you!! I'm goin to pray now...

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