Wednesday, May 28, 2008

no surprises

A heart that's full up like a landfill
A job that slowly kills you
Bruises that won't heal

You look so tired and unhappy
Bring down the government
They don't they don't speak for us

I'll take the quiet life
A handshake full of carbon monoxide
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises

This is my final fit
My final bellyache with
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises, please

Such a pretty house
Such a pretty garden
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises, please


Monday, May 26, 2008

almost bad day

today nyaris worst day,,
seperti biasanya berangkat k kantor jam 7 pagi,,tadi itu aku pikir hampir telat,,akhirnya aku naik mobil kesayanganku yg bernama 44 dan duduklah di pintu paling pinggir,,diperjalanan seperti ada yg menggerakan tas ku,,getar handphone tapi kok beda,,setiap kali bergerak aku tengok lagi,,bbrp penumpang pun turun,,lalu aku masuk k bagian dalam mobil itu,,salah satu ibu2 di sebelahku bilang "mba, tas nya terbuka",,tanpa ada rasa curiga sama sekali,,aku liat lah tas ku dengan resleting terbuka setengah, aku masih belum sadar,,ahh mungkin rusak,,ternyata ibu disebelah n bapak didepan bilang "mba, td mau di copet,,tapi saya liatin aja tu copetnya" karena selama perjalanan tidak ada rasa curiga sama sekali aku cuma bisa jawab "ow ya, makasih ya bu, pak" n akhirnya setelah aku cek alhamdulilah hp n dompet masih terjaga dengan baik didalamnya,,seandainya hilang waaaa ga tau lagi dech air mata ku berlinang seperti apa,,ternyata Allah masih melindungiku dr orang2 yg ingin berbuat jahat,, thanks God,,

if god has a name,,
what would it be,,
and what you call it to his face,,

yeah God is good
yeah God is great

Thursday, May 22, 2008

no ordinary love

This could have been just another day
But instead we're standing here
No need for words, it's all been said
in the way you hold me near
I was alone on this journey
You came along to comfort me
Everything I want in life is right here

This is not your ordinary
no ordinary love
I was not prepared enough
to fall so deep in love
This is not your ordinary
no ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
Made everything right again
with your extraordinary love

I get so weak
when you look at me
I get lost inside your eyes
sometimes the magic is hard to believe
but you're here before my weary eyes
you brought joy to my world
set me so free
I want you to understand
you are every breath that I breathe

From the very first time that we kissed
I knew that I just couldn't let you go at all
From this day on, remember this:
That you're the only one that I adore
Can't we make this last forever
This can't be a dream
cause it feels so good to me

~jenniver LOVE hewwit~

ud lm ga posting

hi little blog ku,,maaf telah lama ku tak menjamahmu dengan jari2 kecil ini,,mungkin kah km rindu jg dengan ku,,ahh sudahlah,,lebih baik ku beraksi,,dan semoga memberikan inspiration tersendiri utk ku n semua,,cheers!! =)